Humans are a diverse and adaptable race, known for their tenacity and remarkable capacity for growth and change. Spread across the world in various cultures and civilizations, humans exhibit a wide range of appearances, beliefs, and skills. Their relatively short lifespans drive them to achieve greatness within a limited time, leading to advancements in art, science, and magic that rival those of longer-lived races.
Physically, humans vary greatly in height, build, and complexion, reflecting the rich diversity of their backgrounds. This adaptability extends to their abilities and ambitions, with humans excelling as warriors, scholars, artisans, and leaders. Their drive and determination often lead them to explore and conquer new frontiers, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. While they may lack the innate magical prowess of Elves or the brute strength of Dwarves, humans make up for it with their resourcefulness, resilience, and indomitable spirit. Their capacity for innovation and their willingness to embrace change make humans a dynamic and influential force in any fantasy world.
Ancestry Traits
Default Traits
(2) Attribute Increase: Choose an Attribute. The chosen Attribute increases by 1 (up to the Attribute Limit).
(2) Resilience: Choose a Defensive Attribute. The chosen Attribute gains Save Mastery.
(1) Human Resolve: Your Death’s Door Threshold value is expanded by 1.
(0) Heroic: You may spend a Hero Point to recover 1 AP.
Expanded Traits
(1) Skill Expertise: Choose two Skills. You begin play as a novice in both skills.
(2) Path Training: Your adaptability manifests in your mastery of a range of useful abilities. You gain a 1st-tier Path ability, taken from any open path. It cannot have the Potent trait.
(1) Human Determination: Once per Combat, you can give yourself ADV on an Attack Check or Spell Check while Bloodied.
(1) Cooperative Nature: The short human life span lends perspective and has taught you from a young age to set aside differences and work with others to achieve greatness. When spending an AP to use the Help action, you grant a +4 bonus or an additional skill die.
(1) Savant: You gain mastery in a weapon of your choice.
(-1) Attribute Decrease: Choose an Attribute. You decrease the chosen Attribute by 1 (to a minimum of 0).