Improved Cause
Gain an improved version of your chosen cause.
Ranged Reprisal
Prerequisites paladin cause
You can use Retributive Strike with a ranged weapon. In addition, if the foe that triggered your reaction is within 5 feet of your reach but not in your reach, as part of your reaction you can Step to put the foe in your reach before making a melee Retributive Strike.
Unimpeded Step
Prerequisites liberator cause
With a burst of divine liberation, your ally’s movement from your Liberating Step is unaffected by difficult terrain, greater difficult terrain, narrow surfaces, and uneven ground.
Weight of Guilt
Prerequisites redeemer cause
Guilt clouds the minds of those who ignore your Glimpse of Redemption. Instead of making the triggering creature enfeebled 2, you can make it stupefied 2 for the same duration.